
Can I use your music in my YouTube video / Twitch stream?

Only as background music for your own content. Do not post my tracks by themselves.

If you use my music, I ask for two things:
1. Buy the music you want to use
2. Credit me with a link to http://nocturnalplant.bandcamp.com

Note about remixes/covers: The original composer of my remix/cover may copyright claim the track. There is nothing I can do about this.

What software do you use?

OS: Arch Linux
Image editing: GIMP
Video editing: kdenlive

NES/Famicom: Famitracker v0.4.6

Do you make your own art?

Everything you see - nocturnalplant icon, logos, cover art, this website, etc - is mine unless stated otherwise.

Can I ask you a question?

Certainly! Contact me in whatever way you prefer.

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